How to Get a Piece of Peace in Your Life

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So How Do We Do It?

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

We start within. Peace within becomes peace throughout. Making small changes in us then prompts us toward making small changes in our world. Once you begin the habit, you will want to continue it. It is our choice to live our lives. We can choose peace. It can be a slow work in progress. Life itself is a work in progress.

We do it in small steps. We do what we can. Every day we can be doing something. We can give to ourselves and give to others, which continues to spread the peace throughout all.

Check the internet. Ask your friends. Look around you and identify what you wish to be different. Make small changes and you will see it becomes contagious.

Let's begin tackling this seemingly elusive state of peace.